Evangelist Will Geiseman

End Of Year Update

The Lord certainly blessed us with a very profitable October and November!  In October we ministered in music and preaching all day Sunday at churches in Oak Lawn, IL, and Milledgeville, IL, as well as preaching at our home church.  God gave us good services with many hearts being touched by the Word.

I preached a revival meeting a few years ago, but in the first week of November we had our first official one since we launched out full-time!  We were at the Perryopolis Baptist Church in Perryopolis, PA, and what a tremendous week God gave us!  It was wonderful to see decisions made in every single service and many spiritual victories that God wrought.  We had a testimony time the last night and my heart was thrilled to hear how the Lord was working in the lives of His people.  The church family was so sweet and took great care of us – we couldn’t have asked for a better first meeting!

We were at three other churches the rest of November for pulpit supply, and again, it was a blessing to meet more of God’s people and minster to them.  Alanna also had the privilege the other night to speak for a church at a Ladies Tea, which was a good opportunity and experience for her.

As of now our schedule has quieted down and we look forward to being here at our home church for the Christmas season and partaking in all the special activities.  Our expectation is from the Lord to continue to fill our schedule for next year as He sees fit.  Thank you for your prayers and may you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!