Evangelist Will Geiseman

Busy Few Months

It’s hard to believe we find ourselves in August already! The summer is almost passed and Christmas is just around the corner (better finish your shopping soon!) The Lord has been so faithful to us these last few months. We had a wonderful meeting with Hope Baptist Church in Warsaw, IN, at the end of April. People were hungry for God’s truth and many responded and made good decisions. The months of May-July kept us busy with different pulpit supply’s and other opportunities at our home church. We just celebrated 10 years on staff here at Memorial Baptist in Rockford, IL! We are so grateful for a good home base and such a loving church family. Just last week we ministered at a teen event in Lyford, IN, and had such a blessed time pointing the younger generation to Christ.

The last two months I have made a push to get more exposure for our ministry by sending out introductory brochures to several hundred churches. We are starting to see a return from those as God has opened up many doors recently! This month we’ll be speaking in Indiana, Michigan, and then North Carolina. September finds us in Pennsylvania, and then October has us heading down to Alabama and Florida. We thank God for every chance to sing and preach about our wonderful Savior!

In closing, the Lord has allowed me to publish two books in the last two years. “Jesus: My Victory, My Life, My All” is written for the believer and is basically about the Galatians 2:20 reality of Christ living in us. “The Forever Lockdown” is written as an evangelistic tool to share with your lost loved ones, neighbors, and workmates. Both of these are now available here on my website. If you have not checked them out yet, please do so and share with others! God bless and thank you for your faithful prayers for us!