Evangelist Will Geiseman

Our commitment to a principled and faithful Christian ministry

Philosophy of Ministry

I believe that we as true Christians and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ are to be separate from any form of liberalism, new evangelicalism, ecumenicism, and worldliness. We need to live by the principles of God’s Word, not the pragmatism that is so evident in our day. I wholeheartedly agree with what has been said so many times: it is never right to do wrong in order to do right. The end does not justify the means, for if the end is the glory of God as it should be, then the means must surely be important. I therefore also disagree with the growing seeker-sensitive movement; ministries should not be first & foremost seeker-friendly but God-pleasing, being more concerned about what people need than what they want. It is not our being like the world that is going to win them to Christ, but our separation and surrender to a living God that is going to make the difference in the lives around us (Matt.5:16). It is when we lift Christ up through our lips and in our life that all men will be drawn unto Him (Jn.12:32).
If we are to have effective ministries then we must rely on God’s power and not our own. Not only must our activity be pleasing to God but the source of that activity must be pleasing as well – and that source should be the indwelling life of Christ through His Spirit and not the flesh. Faith or dependence upon God is how we must live every moment of the day. If any life or ministry is not wholly dependent upon God then it cannot be pleasing to Him and it will eventually die. Separation from the world and from the liberals is absolutely needed, but we must also be separated unto a living God and be in constant communion with Him if we are to have His power for service.
In Numbers 20 the people of Israel were once again complaining because there was no water to drink; God specifically told Moses to speak to the rock, but instead, Moses smote the rock out of anger. The water gushed out abundantly and the people & their cattle were satisfied with drink. No doubt Moses appeared as a wonderful success in the eyes of Israel; they were happy because he had given them what they wanted. But in God’s eyes, which are all that counts, Moses was a failure because he was disobedient and as a result, he suffered the consequences of not going into Canaan. I can’t help but think that many ministries, though a success in the eyes of men, are a failure in God’s sight because they have departed from His Word. Ministries that have the form of godliness but are denying His power are also failing. Ministry must both be faithful to God’s Word and drawing upon His power if it is to be God-pleasing and truly fruitful.
I will base the ministry that God has graciously given to me upon His Holy Word, and as a preacher, I will endeavor to always preach the Word, not my opinions or ideas. I will also strive to daily walk in the Spirit, being enabled by His power to be what He wants me to be and to do what He wants me to do.

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