Evangelist Will Geiseman

Portraits In Pain

Step into a journey of healing and hope with ‘Portraits in Pain’ by Evangelist Will Geiseman. In this profound book, Will offers encouragement for embattled hearts, guiding readers through the valleys of pain and suffering with wisdom drawn from the Scriptures. Each page unveils a new portrait, painting vivid imagery of resilience, strength, and faith amidst adversity. Whether you’re facing physical ailments or emotional turmoil, this book serves as a beacon of light, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, God’s grace abounds. Explore the transformative power of pain and discover the path to spiritual growth and renewal. Order your copy today and embark on a journey of healing.


Portraits In Pain

Subtitle: Encouragement for Embattled Hearts


“It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” – Psalm 119:71

Pain and suffering are the ugly realities for all of us who live in this broken world. Our pain, whether physical or emotional, can be crippling and crushing. It can throw us into a state of perpetual discouragement and despair. We can easily become self-absorbed, self-pitying, and self-relying. Pain can really make us shrivel up and become useless in the Kingdom of God. There is another option though – a life in which pain may not be eliminated, but it may be effectually borne. We can learn valuable, spiritual lessons in our pain which make it all worthwhile, and we can draw upon God’s resources to get us through. This book is a compilation of several paintings, portraits if you will. You can hang them on the walls of your mind and heart and focus on them as you go through seasons of difficulty. Some of the pictures are miserably sad. Some are extremely hard to comprehend. But the majority of these portraits offer hope in your heartache, strength in your suffering, sunshine in your rain. There is still a balm in Gilead (Jeremiah 8:22), and Jesus stands ready to heal you if you will open your heart to Him.

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